Personal Cooking & Meal Prep

Personal Vegetarian Cooking Services

Prakash will come to your house and personally make you whatever food you like, in whatever quantities you need. He will also shop for the food needed for an additional cost.

The first session includes a consultation to find out what foods you/your family/your group would like.


$400 — Includes up to 3 hours of cooking at your house, plus shopping for groceries for you. Prakash can make any quantiy of food for you, your family or your group of families — only limited by the size of your pots and stove. Food can be packaged in your containers for the refridgerator or freezer. If you and your family eat out a lot, this is the best and most delicous investment you can make in your well being.

  • Does not include the cost of the food and spices. $100/hr for every additional hour after 3 hours.

  • First time Personal Cooking requires a prior consultation with Prakash to determine you/your family’s/your group’s needs, and what kind of food/dishes you would like.

Personal Cooking - Major Illness or Cancer

Depending on his schedule, Prakash can be engaged to cook fresh, healing food, designed for your personal health challenges, every day.

He can cook at his house or yours or pick up in Costa Mesa or delivered. .


$300/day — For those dealing with serious illness, or anyone seeking the highest quality, freshly made food, designed specifically for you, Prakash can cook daily for you. Includes shopping for groceries for you.

Minimum one week. Food for one to six people. Food is packaged hot, fresh, and full of life giving prana for consumption today.

  • Does not include the cost of the food and spices.

  • Personal Cooking requires a prior consultation with Prakash to determine your/your family’s needs, and what kind of food/dishes you would like.

Schedule time with Prakash today.

Start on your healthy eating habit journey with freshly prepared food with Prakash.